Monthly Archives: February 2013

Mozilla Unlocks the Power of the Web on Mobile with Firefox OS

Well, that’s interesting, Mozilla announced that Firefox OS will be available for 18 carriers. Let’s see it it can first compete against Windows 8 for the third place…

Mozilla is excited to share that today 18 operators at Mobile World Congress 2013 in Barcelona announced their commitment to Firefox OS, which will power the world’s first Open Web Devices.

Read more at The Mozilla Blog.

Use WordPress as an Evernote replacement

I discovered Evernote a few months ago. A lot of people are using it for saving all kinds of notes, pictures etc.  Obviously they are happy with it, and are writing and talking about it. I decided to give it a try and although I thought it was a nice service, I didn’t have much use of it, and I forgot about it.

It’s only a few days ago that I that I thought it would be nice to have a central place where I can save all my notes, instead of having them in paper format or small files in different parts of my hard drive. A remote access would be nice to have too.

So I thought again about Evernote a few days ago. I started to use it, and I liked the use of notebooks and tags for organizing the notes. But something bothered me: I didn’t own my data.

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