Daily Archives: February 21, 2013

Use WordPress as an Evernote replacement

I discovered Evernote a few months ago. A lot of people are using it for saving all kinds of notes, pictures etc.  Obviously they are happy with it, and are writing and talking about it. I decided to give it a try and although I thought it was a nice service, I didn’t have much use of it, and I forgot about it.

It’s only a few days ago that I that I thought it would be nice to have a central place where I can save all my notes, instead of having them in paper format or small files in different parts of my hard drive. A remote access would be nice to have too.

So I thought again about Evernote a few days ago. I started to use it, and I liked the use of notebooks and tags for organizing the notes. But something bothered me: I didn’t own my data.

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